the activity of taking part in a campaign, for example to achieve social or political change, or in order to win an election

The dictionary definition of the word campaign is: 


This page is dedicated to highlighting campaigns started by charities and individuals who are making great strides in changing the landscape of how brain tumours are treated in the UK within the NHS. 

Brain tumours kill more children
and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer - THIS NEEDS TO CHANGE

After last week’s launch of the APPG on Brain Tumours (APPGBT) inquiry report, its been confirmed that there will be a general debate on Brain Tumour Research Funding within the main chamber of the House of Commons on Thursday 9th March with MPs requested to be in the chamber by 14:00.

This is a call to action for every one of you who campaigns alongside us to improve options and outcomes for brain tumour patients through improved research funding.

It's a chance to make our voice heard. But that voice will only be heard, and then amplified, if we can get as many MPs to speak in the chamber as possible.

First up....

Chamber debate on Brain Tumour Research Funding March 9th 14:00

READ MORE on the Brain Tumour Research website:

All-Party Parliamentary Group on Brain Tumours


Brain Tumours
Pathway to a Cure
– breaking down the barriers

What is the call to action?

We are asking you to email your local constituent TODAY! I know its last minute but your voice can make a huge difference.

Here is a template of what to email to your MPs today:

Please remember to cc Hugh into the email so he can follow up: 

Subject; - Chamber debate on Brain Tumour Research Funding March 9th 14:00

Dear <Your MP’s name>
I am writing to you as a campaigner for the charity Brain Tumour Research to request your attendance and contribution at the Brain Tumour Research Funding Chamber Debate on Thursday 9th March at 14:00.

My own brain tumour story is as follows: (please then explain everything you think your MP needs to know about your brain tumour journey and your passion for change. Please be as intimate as possible to really detail what you have learnt and the despair, confusion and anguish this disease can cause).

I am standing alongside the charity Brain Tumour Research who provide the secretariat for the APPG on Brain Tumours, chaired by Derek Thomas MP who has called for this debate, and request that you read the report ’Pathway to a Cure – Breaking down the Barriers’ that was launched at Westminster on Tuesday 28th February.
Could I draw your particular attention to the report’s Executive Summary and the Key Recommendations which are;

• The Government should recognise brain tumour research as a critical priority, developing a strategic plan for adequately resourcing and funding discovery, translational and clinical research by 2024, ring-fencing £110 million of current and new funding to kick-start this initiative
• Government must ensure a robust tissue collection and storage infrastructure is in place across the country
• Government must do more to build research capacity
• Government should ensure equity of access to clinical trials and that the clinical trial database is robust and up to date
• Pharmaceutical companies are choosing not to pursue the development of brain cancer drugs in the UK. The Government should simplify the regulatory process and introduce tax reliefs and incentives for investors
• Funding bodies should ring-fence specific funding for research into childhood brain tumours
Brain Tumour Research (Hugh from the charity is in Cc) can provide a briefing document and more detail if you email him directly.

Please make time to read my story, to look at the recommendations and attend the debate on the 9th March to call for change and amplify the voice of brain tumour patients and their families.
Brain Tumours kill more children and adults under the age of 40 than any other cancer, and one in three people know someone affected by a brain tumour.

We can only hope to change this by investing in discovery science and by adopting the recommendations of the ‘Pathway to a Cure’ report.

I implore you to take part and make a difference on the 9th.

Yours in hope
<Your Name>
<Your postal address and postcode>

If you don’t already have it - you can find your MP’s name and email address here:



I love playing with old film cameras! It's a hobby of mine.

My camera

Caption for the next thing would go right here.

Thing #2 

This is another caption for this third item right here. 

Thing #3

This area can be used for any kind of list. Get creative!

Thing #4

Your fifth must-have would go right about here. Yup, yup.

Thing #5

life after



Want to know more?
There will be so much more in the diary - COMING SOON
